Wirral Place Based Partnership Board - Thursday 23 January 2025, 10:00am - Wirral Council Webcasting

Wirral Place Based Partnership Board
Thursday, 23rd January 2025 at 10:00am 









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  1. Simon Banks
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Simon Banks
  2. Lorna Quigley
  3. Simon Banks
  4. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  5. Simon Banks
  6. Dr David Jones
  7. Simon Banks
  8. Jo Chwalko
  9. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  10. Dr David Jones
  11. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  12. Cllr Simon R Mountney
  13. Lorna Quigley
  14. Cllr Simon R Mountney
  15. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  16. Jo Chwalko
  17. Lorna Quigley
  18. Cllr Simon R Mountney
  19. Sayyed Osman
  20. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  21. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  22. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  23. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  24. Lorna Quigley
  25. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  26. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  27. Jo Chwalko
  28. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  29. Jo Chwalko
  30. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  31. Dr Abel Adegoke
  32. Jo Chwalko
  33. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  34. Dr Abel Adegoke
  35. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  36. Karen Livesey
  37. Lorna Quigley
  38. Karen Livesey
  39. James Barclay
  40. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  41. Simon Banks
  42. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  43. Jo Chwalko
  44. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Louise Morris
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  4. Louise Morris
  5. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  6. Sayyed Osman
  7. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  8. Louise Morris
  9. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Julian Eyre
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  4. Julian Eyre
  5. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  7. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  8. Julian Eyre
  9. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  10. Julian Eyre
  11. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  12. Dr David Jones
  13. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  14. Simon Banks
  15. Dr David Jones
  16. Simon Banks
  17. Sayyed Osman
  18. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  19. Dave Bradburn
  20. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  21. Karen Livesey
  22. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  23. Mr Tim Welch
  24. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. James Barclay
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Jo Chwalko
  4. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  5. Karen Prior
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  7. Cllr Simon R Mountney
  8. Jo Chwalko
  9. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  10. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  11. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  12. Simon Banks
  13. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  14. Simon Banks
  15. Dr David Jones
  16. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  17. Jo Chwalko
  18. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  19. Sayyed Osman
  20. Karen Prior
  21. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  22. Karen Prior
  23. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Simon Banks
  2. Dave Bradburn
  3. Dave Bradburn
  4. Simon Banks
  5. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Cllr Simon R Mountney
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  1. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Julian Eyre
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Webcast Finished
Place Director
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside
Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Sector
Director of Adults, Health and Strategic Commissioing
Director of Quality and Patient Safety
Wirral CCG
Chief Executive
Wirral and Cheshire West Partnership