Wirral Place Based Partnership Board - Thursday 25 July 2024, 10:00am - Wirral Council Webcasting

Wirral Place Based Partnership Board
Thursday, 25th July 2024 at 10:00am 









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  1. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Julian Eyre
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  4. Julian Eyre
  5. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  6. Simon Banks
  7. Julian Eyre
  8. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  9. Cllr Tony Murphy
  10. Julian Eyre
  11. Cllr Tony Murphy
  12. Julian Eyre
  13. Julian Eyre
  14. Cllr Tony Murphy
  15. Julian Eyre
  16. Julian Eyre
  17. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  18. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  19. Julian Eyre
  20. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  21. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  22. Julian Eyre
  23. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  24. Julian Eyre
  25. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  26. Elizabeth Hartley
  27. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Simon Banks
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Simon Banks
  4. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  5. Simon Banks
  6. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  7. Simon Banks
  8. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  9. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  10. Simon Banks
  11. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  12. Simon Banks
  13. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  14. Gareth Prytherch
  15. Gareth Prytherch
  16. Simon Banks
  17. Gareth Prytherch
  18. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Martin McDowell
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  4. Martin McDowell
  5. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  6. Martin McDowell
  7. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  8. Cllr Tony Murphy
  9. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  10. Dr David Jones
  11. Martin McDowell
  12. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  13. Karen Prior
  14. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  15. Martin McDowell
  16. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Julian Eyre
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Cllr Tony Murphy
  4. Julian Eyre
  5. Cllr Tony Murphy
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  7. Dr David Jones
  8. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  9. Simon Banks
  10. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  11. Simon Banks
  12. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  13. Mrs Janelle Holmes
  14. Martin McDowell
  15. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  16. Cllr Simon R Mountney
  17. Simon Banks
  18. Elizabeth Hartley
  19. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  20. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  21. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  22. Elizabeth Hartley
  23. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Mrs Jayne Marshall
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Mrs Jayne Marshall
  4. Dr David Jones
  5. Mrs Jayne Marshall
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  7. Cllr Simon R Mountney
  8. Mrs Jayne Marshall
  9. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  10. Mrs Jayne Marshall
  11. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Mrs Janelle Holmes
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Mrs Janelle Holmes
  4. Cllr Tony Murphy
  5. Mrs Janelle Holmes
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  7. Mrs Janelle Holmes
  8. Mrs Janelle Holmes
  9. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  10. Cllr Simon R Mountney
  11. Mrs Janelle Holmes
  12. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  13. Dr David Jones
  14. Mrs Janelle Holmes
  15. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Simon Banks
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Simon Banks
  4. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  5. Simon Banks
  6. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  7. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  8. Cllr Tony Murphy
  9. Simon Banks
  10. Cllr Tony Murphy
  11. Cllr Tony Murphy
  12. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  13. Cllr Tony Murphy
  14. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  15. Cllr Tony Murphy
  16. Simon Banks
  17. Gareth Prytherch
  18. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  19. Gareth Prytherch
  20. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  21. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  22. Cllr Tony Murphy
  23. Simon Banks
  24. Dr David Jones
  25. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Elizabeth Hartley
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Gareth Prytherch
  4. Elizabeth Hartley
  5. Gareth Prytherch
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  7. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  8. Elizabeth Hartley
  9. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  10. Simon Banks
  11. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Simon Banks
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Simon Banks
  4. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  5. Simon Banks
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Gareth Prytherch
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Martin McDowell
  4. Simon Banks
  5. Martin McDowell
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Iain Stewart
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Dr David Jones
  4. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  5. Iain Stewart
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  7. Mrs Janelle Holmes
  8. Iain Stewart
  9. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  10. Simon Banks
  11. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Simon Banks
  2. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  3. Cllr Kieran Murphy
  4. Carol Johnson-Eyre
  5. Simon Banks
  6. Carol Johnson-Eyre
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  1. Webcast Finished
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NHS Cheshire and Merseyside
Director of Children, Families & Education People
Wirral Council
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Wirral University Teaching Hospital
Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Sector