Wirral Place Based Partnership Board - Thursday 25 July 2024, 10:00am - Wirral Council Webcasting
Wirral Place Based Partnership Board
Thursday, 25th July 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
1 Welcome and Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Agenda item :
4 Action Log
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Agenda item :
Items for Oversight and Assurance
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Agenda item :
5 Wirral Health and Care Plan: Workforce Programme Update
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Julian Eyre
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Julian Eyre
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Simon Banks
Julian Eyre
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Tony Murphy
Julian Eyre
Cllr Tony Murphy
Julian Eyre
Julian Eyre
Cllr Tony Murphy
Julian Eyre
Julian Eyre
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Julian Eyre
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Julian Eyre
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Julian Eyre
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Elizabeth Hartley
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
6 Place Delivery Assurance Framework
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Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Simon Banks
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Simon Banks
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Simon Banks
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Simon Banks
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Gareth Prytherch
Gareth Prytherch
Simon Banks
Gareth Prytherch
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
7 Quality and Performance Report
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Martin McDowell
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Martin McDowell
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Martin McDowell
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Tony Murphy
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Dr David Jones
Martin McDowell
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Karen Prior
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Martin McDowell
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
Programme Delivery Reports
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Agenda item :
8 Wirral Health and Care Plan Programme Delivery Dashboard
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Julian Eyre
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Tony Murphy
Julian Eyre
Cllr Tony Murphy
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Dr David Jones
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Mrs Janelle Holmes
Martin McDowell
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Simon R Mountney
Simon Banks
Elizabeth Hartley
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Elizabeth Hartley
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
9 Update on Wirral Capacity and Demand Planning
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Mrs Jayne Marshall
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Mrs Jayne Marshall
Dr David Jones
Mrs Jayne Marshall
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Simon R Mountney
Mrs Jayne Marshall
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Mrs Jayne Marshall
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
10 Unscheduled Care Improvement Programme Update
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Mrs Janelle Holmes
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Mrs Janelle Holmes
Cllr Tony Murphy
Mrs Janelle Holmes
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Mrs Janelle Holmes
Mrs Janelle Holmes
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Simon R Mountney
Mrs Janelle Holmes
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Dr David Jones
Mrs Janelle Holmes
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
Items for Discussion and Decision
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Agenda item :
11 Wirral Health and Care Plan 2024/25
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Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Simon Banks
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Simon Banks
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Tony Murphy
Simon Banks
Cllr Tony Murphy
Cllr Tony Murphy
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Tony Murphy
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Cllr Tony Murphy
Simon Banks
Gareth Prytherch
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Gareth Prytherch
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Tony Murphy
Simon Banks
Dr David Jones
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
12 SEND Improvement
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Elizabeth Hartley
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Gareth Prytherch
Elizabeth Hartley
Gareth Prytherch
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Elizabeth Hartley
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
13 Wirral Place Review
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Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Simon Banks
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
14 Finance & Investment Group Highlight Report
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Gareth Prytherch
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Martin McDowell
Simon Banks
Martin McDowell
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
15 Primary Care Group Report
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Iain Stewart
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Dr David Jones
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Iain Stewart
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Mrs Janelle Holmes
Iain Stewart
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
16 Quality and Performance Group Report
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Agenda item :
17 Strategy and Transformation Group Highlight Report
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Agenda item :
Closing Business
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Agenda item :
18 Public Questions, Statements and Petitions
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Agenda item :
19 Wirral Place Based Partnership Work Programme
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Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Cllr Kieran Murphy
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Simon Banks
Carol Johnson-Eyre
Agenda item :
20 Any Other Business
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Agenda item :
21 Future Meetings:
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Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Wirral Health and Care Plan: Workforce Programme Update, opens in new tab
- Place Delivery Assurance Framework, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 – Definitions, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 – Key components of the Risk Management Framework, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 – Amended Risk Management Matrix, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 – Place Delivery Assurance Framework and Risk Summaries, opens in new tab
- Quality and Performance Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Wirral Performance Report (June 2024), opens in new tab
- Wirral Health and Care Plan Programme Delivery Dashboard, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Wirral Health and Care Plan Dashboard, opens in new tab
- Update on Wirral Capacity and Demand Planning, opens in new tab
- Unscheduled Care Improvement Programme Update, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 – Unscheduled Care Programme highlight report 25.06.24, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 – Discharge Dashboard 03.07.24, opens in new tab
- Wirral Health and Care Plan 2024/25, opens in new tab
- Appendix One - Wirral Health and Care Plan 2024/25, opens in new tab
- SEND Improvement, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1- Improvement Notice (15th May 2024), opens in new tab
- Appendix 2- Local Area SEND Partnership Board Terms of Reference, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3- SEND Improvement Plan, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4- WSoA Impact Group Tracker May 2024, opens in new tab
- Wirral Place Review, opens in new tab
- Finance & Investment Group Highlight Report, opens in new tab
- Primary Care Group Report, opens in new tab
- Quality and Performance Group Report, opens in new tab
- Strategy and Transformation Group Highlight Report, opens in new tab
- Wirral Place Based Partnership Work Programme, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Wirral Place Based Partnership Board Work Programme, opens in new tab

Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Sector